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Journal publications: 15 + (2 under review)

Conference publications: 2 + (1 under review)


American Naturalist (Accepted, 2024)

Discovering stochastic dynamical equations for ecological time series data

Arshed Nabeel, Ashwin Karichannavar, Shuaib Palathingal, Jitesh Jhawar, David B. Bruckner, Danny Raj M and Vishwesha Guttal


Under review

A dynamic fluid landscape mediates the spread of bacteria

Divakar Badal, Aloke Kumar, Varsha Singh, Danny Raj M


Chaos, 2023 (33, 093131)

Emergence of intelligent collective motion in a group of agents with memory

M Danny Raj and Rupesh Mahore


Physical Biology, 2023 (20, 056003)

Data-driven discovery of stochastic dynamical equations of collective motion

Arshed Nabeel, Vivek Jadhav, Danny Raj M, Clément Sire, Guy Theraulaz, Ramón Escobedo, Srikanth K. Iyer, Vishwesha Guttal


Traffic and Granular Flow 2022

Collective traffic of agents that remember

Danny Raj M and Arvind Nayak


European Physical Journal Special Topics (EPJ ST) 2022 (232:893–900)

Inferring the stability of concentrated emulsions from droplet configuration information

M. Danny Raj, Pavithra Sivakumar and Arshed Nabeel


Chaos, 2022 (32, 063119)

Disentangling intrinsic motion from neighbourhood effects in heterogeneous collective motion

Arshed Nabeel and M Danny Raj


Royal Society Open Science, 2022 (vol 9 issue 3)

Randomness in the choice of neighbours promotes cohesion in mobile animal groups

Vivek Jadhav, Vishwesha Guttal and M Danny Raj

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