S1: Isolated collision of two agents.
Agents far away from the boundaries are allowed to collide with each other. Since, they are 'very slightly' displaced in the y-direction, they eventually slide past each other and move in their desired directions. In the presence of memory the time of crossing each other is faster. Also, when the time scale of memory is larger, agents are able to remember their initial positions in the transverse direction, and get back to it.
S2: Effect of memory on the collective motion.
We simulate the motion of agents as a function of the time scale of memory $\alpha$. We observe that for very low values of the time scale, agents formed asymmetrically jammed regions that break apart easily. When the time scale is "short term", we observe the formation of symmetric interlocks that take much longer to unjam. And, when time scale is long term, movement becomes heterogeneous which promotes the formation of lanes.
S3: Formation of holes
Holes are formed when agents self organise. Presence of holes catalyses the formation of asymmetric jams. Here we define what a hole is, and show different realisations of the formation or absence of holes.